
We kick off projects with a research sprint to ensure that we are equipped with all of the knowledge and materials we need to start design and or development and turn the clients ideas into a testable hypothesis. The duration and depth of research and planning strongly depends on the current state, complexity goals of the project. This typically includes benchmarking competitive products in the same space, acquiring all relevant design materials and direction from the client and taking stock of inspirational precedents.


For projects in the early ideation, we use this phase to collaborate with the client in conceptualizing, defining, and refining the product's digital experience to establish the requirements, features and timeline for MVP. We’ll also discuss the project’s goals, results and strategies for design and development to ensure that our efforts productive and add value.

  1. Establish Goals. Why are we doing this project? Where do we want to be in six months, a year, or even five years from now?
  2. Ask the experts. Learn everything about the vision, existing customer research, the space, and previous efforts.
  3. Identify great and poor solutions. Research existing ideas from a range of competitor and inspirational products to remix and improve.
  4. Plan Customer Interviews. Schedule customers and start drafting an interview guide.


Given the results from our research phase, we will begin designing wireframes, layouts and navigation for the product to establish prototypes. We iterate and refine prototypes based on the client’s feedback and customer testing.

  1. Ideate. Sketch product strategies, concepts and solutions. Including fake brand naming and point of view.
  2. Critique. Decide which hypotheses have the best chance of achieving long term goals
  3. Storyboard. Move sketches into outlines including the customer journey from discovery to conversion.
  4. Prototype. Build one or multiple App prototypes (Figma / inVision) to conduct customer interviews.

Interview Customers.

(2-4) Learn from customers interacting with prototypes, compile findings to inform next steps.

Communication & Project Management

Clear communication and project management is critical to the success of any project. We prefer to open a Slack channel with all stakeholders for fluid conversation around a project, establish weekly calls for reviewing progress, making decisions and planning tasks for the following week. We schedule and track work along agile practices in a series of 1 to 2 week sprints through a project management system software.

Development (Frontend)

The front-end portion of the web application will be built using current modern standards of Javascript using React (Next.js) to manage application views, components, state as well connect to backend API’s . This combination is viewed by many as the best approach in developing scalable web applications as quickly as possible. It will be compatible with major modern browsers including the last 2 versions of Firefox, the last 2 versions of Chrome, Internet Explorer 11, and Edge and be responsive down to tablet and mobile devices.